Friday, 21 January 2011

Not Superman #2, but a call for help.

Sorry guys, the look at Superman #2 is going to be a couple of days more before it's ready. I've been getting distracted with sales figures for the Superman books. I'm not sure what put me onto this, but I've been hunting down sales figures for the post-Crisis Superman books, which isn't easy for several reasons, not least of which is the fragmented nature of comics distribution before the rise of Diamond. If there is anyone out there who can point me in the direction of the order figures for Capital City Distribution, which I understand used to be published in its own newsletter Internal Distribution, I would be eternally grateful. Many thanks to John Jackson Miller and his website for data from 1995 onwards, which I have been slowly inserting into the relevant entries.

Anyway, if you can lend a hand with sales or order figures from the post-Crisis reboot through to the mid-1990s, drop a line in the comments or e-mail me.

See you in a couple of days!

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