Yes, I know the more long-term readers of this blog are rolling their eyes at this. 'Oh look,' they're thinking, 'the World of Superman is taking a break from regular posting again'. Sadly, I am. But this isn't because I've run out of steam, or I've found a new shiny thing to attract my attention. I'm actually written up for two weeks solid of posting, and planned further ahead than I have been for a very long time.
So, why the break?
I work in retail, and you don't need to work in retail to know that this time of year is a killer. On top of the Christmas run-up, the store I'm working in is going through a refurbishment, with the completion date set for next Thursday. This refurb is an absolute back-breaker. For two weeks now I've been working 6 day weeks, leaving the house at 6.30am and getting home around the 10pm mark. I just don't have the time to sit down, set up the hyperlinks, choose the images for the post, and generally spend the hour or so I need to turn a block of text into a blog post. So I'm not going to do so until the start of November, when I get a week off work and I can get some Superman posts up.
But there will still be activity over here. This weekend sees me once again at the EXCEL centre in London, attending the MCM Expo. And not only am I attending, but I will be participating. At some point on Sunday afternoon, in the Memorabilia side of the convention, I will be competing in the MCM/Blogomatic 3000 Battle of The Bloggers competition, fighting for the glory of this blog.
I've been issues with a press pass for the day, my first one ever. It says 'World of Superman' on it, and everything! I'm so happy! And so, to justify this, I'll be providing some stronger coverage of the event than I have done so before. Expect to see posts and pictures of the event over the week or so following the Expo, as well as an account of battling other bloggers for a superbly geeky title. Just not very many manga questions please...
If you're going to be around at the Expo, do stop by the Battle and cheer me on. If you want to say 'hi', drop me a mention on twitter - @quizlacey - and we can try and find each other across the halls. It's a fairly good bet that I'll be camping the Comics Village anyway!
So, basically, Superman's taking a brief break from the blog, but convention coverage should fill in the gaps.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
Goodbye, Hello: Part 3
Welcome back to the list of things I will and won’t miss
about Superman in the New 52. After last week’s looks at two sides of
Superman’s family, this week, I’ll be focusing on the most important personal
relationship Superman has – his marriage with Lois.
The Third Thing
I’m Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52:
The Marriage
If I had to name the one thing above all others that defined
the post-Crisis Superman, I think I would end up choosing the relationship and
marriage of Lois and Clark. I don’t have a lot of time for the pre-Crisis
relationship between the two, with constant deceit on Superman’s part to
protect his identity, and Lois’s repeated attempts to uncover Superman’s
secret. I do like how this was played with in the aftermath of the Crisis, with
soap-opera love triangles involving Cat Grant and Jose Delgado, as both Lois
and Clark were written as proper characters, rather than ciphers jumping
through the hoops of the highly-formatted Silver Age issues. But it was the two
getting together that really gave an emotional grounding to the series.
And it wasn’t just the fact that they got together that made
it. Clark made only the tiniest effort to continue living a double-life once
the two got engaged, culminating in his coming out of the closet to Lois at the
end of Superman #50. I feel that this is one of the most important moments in this
period of comics. By sharing his secret with Lois, Clark allowed their
relationship to move to a level barely seen before in any version of Superman.
Finally, he had someone to come home to, someone to unwind with, someone who
could help him bear the burden of being Superman.

It’s painful to see Lois and Clark not together in the New
52. Frankly, seeing her new boyfriend in the doorway at the end of Superman #1
was as much of a kick to the gut for me as it was for Clark. The last 20 years
of reading Lois and Clark as a couple have convinced me, more than anything
else, that the two of them are destined to be together. I don’t want them
married again within the year, but I’d like to think that the long-term
Superman masterplan has the two of them
moving closer together again.
The Third Thing
I’m Not Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52
Joe Quesada’s feelings towards the marriage of Mary-Jane and
Peter Parker are a mere passing whim when compared to the vendetta shown by the
past decade’s worth of creative teams towards the marriage of Lois and Clark. In
no particular order, we’ve had:
- · The Parasite impersonate Lois to poison Superman and drive her and Clark apart
- · Lois fail to deal with the death of her father in Our Worlds At War, heading off around the world and blaming Superman for not saving him
- · Chuck Austen
- · Well, OK, Chuck Austen writing Lana as a marriage-wrecking bitch, destroying her own marriage to Pete Ross and coming on to Clark in his parents house whilst Lois recovers from a gunshot wound
- · Major creative teams (Azzarello/Lee, Johns/Frank, JMS/Whoever) avoiding the issue entirely by underwriting Lois/finding reasons to not include her in the story that they want to tell
- · Superman leave Earth to spend a year on New Krypton with little-to-no reflection on how this will affect his marriage
For over ten years, the marriage of Lois and Clark weathered
blow after editorially-sanctioned blow, yet somehow weathered the storm. And
now it’s gone, and whilst it will be missed, it can only be hoped that if and
when a relationship between these two is returned to the books, it will be
allowed to grow and strengthen rather than suffer repeated attempts to
undermine and dissolve it.
I’m Steve, and I’m a Lois and Clark shipper.
Next on World of
Superman: This weekend (ish) sees us hit up another issue of Superman,
featuring the much-heralded Superman/Mummy confrontation. And join me midweek-ish
for a look at number 4 on both lists.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Adventures of Superman #428
Have you seen that new button at the top of the sidebar? That marks me as an official competitor in the MCM/Blogomatic 3000 Battle of the Bloggers that will be taking place at the end of the month at the MCM Expo. I have no idea what to expect, but with such an event taking place on my doorstep, how could I not take part? Click the button for further information, and expect a write-up of the event a few days after it has happened. If you're coming to the Expo, then swing by the event and cheer me on!
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist: Jerry Ordway
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Tom Ziuko
Editors: Andy Helfer and Mike Carlin
Cover Art: Jerry Ordway
Cover Date: May 1987
Release Date: 19/02/1987
Three days after his ‘meeting’ with President Marlo,
Superman launches a further assault on Qurac’s military forces, decimating its
air force and assaulting its navy with one of its own submarines. Superman
holds a televised meeting with Marlo, again warning him over harbouring
terrorists. Clark and Cat Grant watch television coverage of Superman’s recent
attacks, flirting throughout. Their fun is interrupted by Perry White’s
appearance on television to publically condemn reputed mobster and city
councilman Jay Falk, as he had been instrumental in investigating and exposing
Elsewhere in Metropolis, Jerry White, Perry White’s son,
tells Jose XXXX that he is ready to quit his street gang. As he reflects on his
volatile relationship with his father, his former gang attacks him for planning
to quit. As the beat him up, mobsters arrive, breaking up the fight and
kidnapping the unconscious Jerry. The crooks contact Perry and demand that he
kills his expose on Falk. Perry clears his office, before storming out of the
Planet building.
Later that night, Falk throws a party. Superman arrives to
confront Falk, demanding to know where Jerry is. Getting nowhere, Superman
drags one of Falk’s ‘bodyguards’ to the roof of the Daily Planet, threatening
to leave him stranded atop the globe if he doesn’t get the location of Jerry
from him. The terrified goon agrees to talk.
At home, Perry White is unable to write his expose on Falk,
wracked with worry for Jerry. Alice tries to calm him. The two briefly argue
about whether Perry should abandon his journalistic principles to save his son.
Returning home, Louie Lyppe is surprised in his apartment by
Bibbo. Bibbo intimidates Louie into giving up the location of Jerry. Bibbo then
reveals himself as a disguised Superman, threatening to tell Lyppe’s boss about
Louie’s betrayal if anything should happen to Bibbo in retribution for his
subterfuge. As Perry settles down to retract his story, Superman breaks into
the warehouse where Jerry is being held. A mobster holds a gun to the
restrained Jerry’s head. Superman uses his heat vision to set the mobster’s
pants on fire, before using his super-breath to extinguish the flames and
incapacitate the mobster.
Superman returns Jerry to his family. Jerry and Perry argue
about Perry taking so long to take action to save his son. As Superman looks
on, the two row, before Jerry storms out.
Later on in the issue, Superman has to play detective to
track down Jerry White. One could ask why he doesn’t just do what he’ll do in
an upcoming issue of Superman and use his x-ray vision to scan Metropolis, but
if he had done so then we wouldn’t have had Superman doing his best-ever Batman
impersonation. Superman’s investigations are superb. He forces – and blunders –
his way throughout Metropolis from the heights to the dregs of society. I
particularly like his not-so-subtle confrontation with Falk, casually
destroying a work of art before denouncing it as a fake, making the councilman
sweat with every artefact he touches. Straight after, Superman’s Batman impressions
comes to the fore as he drags a henchman to the top of the Daily Planet globe,
toying with his fear to get the response he needs.
Wolfman’s writing in this scene – and this issue in general
– is excellent, and there’s a moment in this scene where Superman flies away
from the henchman, making him think that he’s been abandoned in the skyline.
The art shows Superman making a loop back around, and when he returns, he says:
“Hi, miss me? I had to rescue a cat from a fire”. In this one line, Superman establishes
exactly where the hoodlum sits in the pecking order, and that Superman’s
attention regarding him is short and fickle, so he’d better start talking
immediately. Of course, the thug is too stupid to ‘fess up. Superman’s next
lines – click the image to enlarge – are hilarious.
This issue sees the first appearances of three characters
that would form part of the Superman family for the next few years: Jerry
White, Jose Delgado and Bibbo Bibbowski. When you consider that this title has
also introduced Emil Hamilton and Cat Grant, it seems clear that if Action
Comics is the team-up book, and Superman is the flagship title, then Adventures
of Superman seems to be primarily concerned with world-building. With the
exception of last week’s issue (and, of course, the Apokolips-set Legends
crossover), each issue has provided depth and development for Metropolis and
Superman’s supporting cast. Here, Perry White takes a feature role for the
first time, and we take our first trip into Suicide Slum. This Metropolis has
depth and diversity, a more textured and real city than that which we’ve seen
in the Superman comics for the past few years.
The Geeky Bits: This issue was reprinted in Superman: The Man Of Steel vol. 3 and is covered on episode 7 of From Crisis To Crisis.
Next on World of
Superman: Work allowing, midweek will see the posting of the next
instalment of my looks back at what I will and won’t be missing in the
relaunched DC Universe, whilst next weekend will finally see Superman
confronting the mummy!
Andrew Helfer,
Jerry Ordway,
John Costanza,
Marv Wolfman,
Mike Carlin,
Tom Ziuko
Friday, 14 October 2011
Goodbye, Hello: Part 2
Welcome back to the list of things I will and won’t miss
about Superman in the New 52. After last week’s looks at the various origins
for Superman, this week, I’ll be focusing on two important parts of Superman’s
extended family.
The Second Thing
I’m Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52:
Ma and Pa Kent
I’ve never really understood why Superman needs to have lost
one or both of his parents. My first introduction to Superman’s parents was
through the series Lois and Clark (or The New Adventures of Superman, as it was
titled in the UK). Whilst there was a large element of comic relief to their
role in the series, they were a valuable part of Superman’s support network.
They provided Clark with a refuge from Metropolis and being Superman.

In the back of the recent Action Comics #2, a reference was
made to Superman being free from his parents as a reason for his hard-edged
campaigns in Metropolis early on in his career. Whilst I’m sure this will lead
to some interesting stories, I can only think of how this goes against
everything we’ve read in the last 25 years, about a Superman whose loving
parents helped him to learn to control his powers and to respect life above all
The Second Thing
I’m Not Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52
(The Kara Zor-El incarnation.)
Supergirl was a mess. Introduced in a best-selling arc in
Superman/Batman, the character’s solo title launched a few months before
Infinite Crisis, and boy, it was not good. With Superman fans already upset at
the cancellation of the Peter David-written Supergirl series to make way for a
confusing and character-less plot device that bore almost no resemblance to
anything that could have taken the name ‘Supergirl’ (Yes, Cir-El, I’m looking
at you), DC then spectacularly dropped the ball by being unable to provide a
purpose or direction for her across well over three years of books.

It wasn’t until Sterling Gates arrived on the book that
Supergirl actually had something approaching a status quo, a supporting cast
and a character. Taking underused elements of Superman’s supporting cast and
using them to create a cast for Supergirl was a great move (yes, even Cat
Grant, as the explanation for her behaviour, when it came, worked well).
Supergirl also had a consistent relationship with Superman and, even better, a
relationship-of-sorts with Lois. Best of all, Gates laid to one side the ‘dark
Supergirl’ plots and worked hard to bring Supergirl into direct continuity with
the core Superman books, continuing in this vein after New Krypton had ended.
Of course, as soon as he was gone, this was all undone. We
were back to the rotating creative teams, and in Justice League of America, the
dark Supergirl was back.

Next on World of
Superman: A change to our next issue, thanks to an editorial snafu (read: I
counted wrong). Instead of seeing Superman fight a giant mummy, we’ll be
meeting Jerry White, Jose Garcia and Bibbo Bibbowski for the first time!
Hurrah! And next week, we’ll be back for the third instalment in this series of
articles. See you then!
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Action Comics #587
It's a Sunday, which means that it's a Superman day here at World of Superman! For those of you keeping up with my podcast, 20 Minute Longbox, look for that episode to be released late tomorrow as I'm slightly behind with the editing there. Last week's episode is still up, a look at Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #2.
(Covers only today as I'm short on time.)
Enough plugging, enough rambling. We've got us some John Byrne-drawn Etrigan action today. Or have we?
Written and Pencilled by John Byrne
Embellished by Dick Giordano
Colored by Tom Ziuko
Lettered by John Costanza
Edited by Andrew Helfer and Michael Carlin
Cover Art by John Byrne
Cover Date: April 1987
Jason Blood visits a curiosity shop in Gotham. His friend
Glenda picks up a trinket shaped like a futuristic city and accidentally
activates a hidden switch. The trinket shoots a spike into her arm, causing
crystalline spires to erupt upwards from her body. She transforms into a large
spire, then sends out spikes into the other people in the shop, causing them to
transform as well. Jason avoids a spike, transforming into Etrigan and causing
another spike to shatter against him. The spires continue to grow, bursting
through the ceiling and transforming the couple above.
Returning from space, Superman soars over Gotham, musing
that it is the first time he has returned to the city since meeting Batman. He
sees the spires, growing ever larger in the centre of the city. Taking action,
he shatters one of them, but he is tackled by Etrigan. The two fight, with the
Demon desperate to keep Superman from harming the spires. As they fight,
several more spires are damaged. Etrigan is able to halt the combat by showing Superman
that the shattered spires have blood oozing from them. Realising what has
happened, Superman agrees to help. Etrigan quickly conjures a spell to send
Superman back in time.
Armed only with a message from Etrigan to seek out Jason
Blood, Superman finds himself in 12th century England. He quickly
locates Blood, who has been expecting Superman. Jason takes Superman
underground to a Pool of Knowing to track the source of the trinket. He
discovers the location, and Superman flies him there. Above a humble shack
containing an old man and his granddaughter, Blood transforms to Etrigan and
wrestles free of Superman’s grasp, falling through the sky and bursting in.
Etrigan attacks the granddaughter, revealing her to be
Morgaine le Fey. Fey traps Superman in a cage of stone, before preparing to
weave her master spell that will result in the trinket, which will create a
citadel in the future for her to travel to. She possesses the grandfather to
use a human hand to craft the spell. Realising that interrupting the spell will
avert the future crisis, Superman breaks free from the cage. Despite Etrigan’s
warnings that his actions will cause is death, Superman attack Fey, disrupting
and cancelling the spell.
Suddenly, Jason Blood is back in the curiosity shop. Glenda activates
the trinket again, but it harmlessly pops open. Another customer looks through
the window and sees Superman passing overhead.
Before we get going into this one, let’s just be very clear
about one point. Superman’s action in the past, interrupting Morgaine le
Fey’s spell, nullifies the future where
the trinket grows into an entire city. Because this future never existed,
Superman never travelled into the past. Therefore, with the exception of the
last two pages, this issue never happened. It’s also an interesting statement
on how time-travel works in the DC Universe. The only reason le Fey doesn’t
have her citadel overrule Gotham is because Superman travels back in time to
stop this. But without the emergence of the citadel, Superman never participated
in the events that caused le Fey’s plan to fail, meaning that logically, her
citadel should once again appear until Superman prevents it. Of course, logic
rarely applies to time-travel, and for simplicity’s sake, once Superman has
definitively prevented the citadel’s emergence, the timeline where le Fey’s
plan succeeded simply withered and died, cauterised from causality. If you’re a
Doctor Who fan, think of it like this: Superman’s interruption of the spell
creates a fixed point in time which determines how time flows from it.
I’m not that hot on this issue. I can’t help but feel that
the Demon is a wasted guest star. Etrigan is always more interesting when
following his own agenda that puts him in conflict with a hero. Here,
surprising as it is to see him working with honourable intentions – saving the
innocents trapped within le Fey’s citadel – there was little to no personal
gain for Etrigan, no hints or suggestions that he’s being anything other than
totally altruistic. It’s very contrary to what I expect as a reader, and to me,
it feels like the Demon was used because Byrne needed a character who could
exist in the past and the present, rather than because there was a story that
needed this character to tell.
I also have to wonder why Superman prolongs the climactic
battle with le Fey. It’s established towards the end of the battle that
Superman is able to break free of the stone prison because whislt magic is used
to construct the prison, the prison itself is not magical. If that’s true, why
does Superman spend a page and a half loitering in it watching the grandfather
get put through unimaginable pain? Again, things are happening because the
story demands that it does, rather than for a logical reason.
At this point in the super-books, Action Comics is
definitely the weakest of the three titles, but still a good read. This,
however, is the first issue that just feels average rather than of a good
quality in itself.
The Geeky Bits:
The Fourth World aside, The Demon is probably Jack Kirby’s most notable
contribution to the DC Universe. Etrigan is summoned by Merlin and bonded to
Jason Blood, a knight of the Round Table. This bonding grants Blood
immortality, allowing him to participate in events of the current day. Jason
can summon the Demon by reciting a short verse, but will always do so as a last
resort. His demonic nature has seen him appear in titles as diverse as JLA and
Sandman, as well as multiple attempts at supporting his own series across the
years. The most recent ongoing Demon series was Blood of the Demon, written and
pencilled by John Byrne, running from 2005-2006. In the new 52, Etrigan can be
found as a member of Paul Cornell’s Demon Knights.
Action Comics #587 was collected in The Man Of Steel vol. 3,
and coverage of this issue can be found in episode 6 of From Crisis To Crisis.
Next on World of
Superman: Midweek sees us take a look at the next things I will and won't miss in the New 52, whilst next weekend has us back at our post-Crisis reviews when we take a look at Superman vs The Mummy, with no sign of Rachel Weisz!
Andrew Helfer,
Dick Giordano,
John Byrne,
John Costanza,
Mike Carlin,
Tom Ziuko
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Goodbye, Hello: Part One
Let's be clear here: This is not a fill-in post because I haven't yet written anything for the next issue. Against all expectations (including mine!) I'm three issues ahead, eager to build a backlog of material before my awful retail-career eats up my life at some point in the next three months!
So, I don't know if you've heard, but DC have been having some changes lately. And by some changes, I mean throwing everything out of the window (unless you're Batman or a Green Lantern) and starting again from scratch. Being fans of Superman, we're pretty accustomed to this, having had, on average, a new origin or retelling every two years for the past decade. However, unlike those, this one is total and absolute, wiping out everything that has come before (including record breaking numbering) and starting fresh and anew.
So, as the second month of the relaunch kicks into gear (I've just finished reading Action Comics #2, and don't get me started on the story finishing just over halfway through the issue), I think that it's an appropriate moment to mourn the passing of five things that have made the last 25 years worth of Superman such a great read. Oh, and because it was never all great, we'll also wave goodbye to five turds that are finally being flushed into the sewers of hypertime.
So, without further ado, let's start at the very beginning,
So, I don't know if you've heard, but DC have been having some changes lately. And by some changes, I mean throwing everything out of the window (unless you're Batman or a Green Lantern) and starting again from scratch. Being fans of Superman, we're pretty accustomed to this, having had, on average, a new origin or retelling every two years for the past decade. However, unlike those, this one is total and absolute, wiping out everything that has come before (including record breaking numbering) and starting fresh and anew.
So, as the second month of the relaunch kicks into gear (I've just finished reading Action Comics #2, and don't get me started on the story finishing just over halfway through the issue), I think that it's an appropriate moment to mourn the passing of five things that have made the last 25 years worth of Superman such a great read. Oh, and because it was never all great, we'll also wave goodbye to five turds that are finally being flushed into the sewers of hypertime.
So, without further ado, let's start at the very beginning,
The First Thing
I’m Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52
The Man Of Steel
I think, considering the raison d’etre for this blog, you could
probably have guessed this one. For nearly 20 years, these six issues were the
seed from which Superman and his comics grew. So much of what is now accepted
as the standard Superman status quo was established here, from the Last Son of
Krypton (no exceptions) to Superman’s shaky relationships with other heroes.
But most of all, coming from an idea by Marv Wolfman, John Byrne gave us the
ruthless businessman Lex Luthor, as seen in Smallville, Lois and Clark, and
Superman: The Animated Series.
The structure of the series took us from before Kal-El’s
birth to six years into his career when he discovered his origins. The
statement at the very end of the series, where Superman reconciles his
Kryptonian birth with his human upbringings is the most succinct and accurate
summation of who Superman is. For years afterwards, writers would intertwine
their stories involving Superman’s youth with these six issues. And whilst the
name may have come from a Batman story, some of the most successful 1995 Year
One annuals were carefully structured to occur in an around the events of this
As we’ll see below, the strength of the writing and the
iconic nature of what was presented within was such that it took three attempts
over nearly 10 years to establish a new origin for Superman, and not long after
that series was completed, DC hit the big red button and started everything all
over again. Officially, the Superman in Action Comics #904 and Superman #714
came from Secret Origin, but for most of us, he was the same person who landed
the space-plane, who fought Bizarro and unexpectedly restored Lucy Lane’s
sight, and who brought public embarrassment upon Lex Luthor when he frogmarched
him to a police cell. He was our Superman, and we’ll miss him.
The First Thing
I’m Not Going To Miss About Superman In The New 52
Let’s be clear on one thing before we get going, as it’ll be
many years before this appears in the blog. Birthright was not a bad series at
all. In fact, faked-Kryptonian attack aside, it was pretty good. Mark Waid
eschewed much of what is considered to be normal for a Superman origin story –
Krypton’s destruction, growing up in Smallville, etc. – opting instead to start
with Clark trying to make his way in the world, and bringing these elements in
as the story progressed. Leinil Yu’s artwork was also noteworthy, strengthening
as the series progressed and his style asserted itself.
No, what I have an issue with is DC’s reluctance to take a
stand on wether or not we were reading the official new origin for Superman,
even for years after the series had wrapped up.
If you were reading Superman comics at the time, then you’ll
remember that it wasn’t until after the series had begun that DC first began
talking about Birthright as a replacement origin for The Man of Steel. But they
decided to be uncertain about this, stopping short of definitively stating this
fact, despite elements of Birthright starting to appear in the comics. As
Superman vol. 2 rolled towards #200, noise was made about the anniversary issue
making a firm statement as to Birthright’s canonicity. At the end of that
issue, following a fight with Braniac, Superman found himself journeying back
to reality, but got distracted along the way when he saw Krypton. This was the
moment that things changed, but the issue stopped short of saying that he was
now attached to a new origin. Only the meagre back-matter, highlighting some of
Leinil Yu’s Birthright designs, mentioned the series by name.
As a result, readers were left to wonder as to which origin
would stand. The next two story arcs, Strange New Visitor and Godfall, wouldn’t
involve the origin at all, and the next set of creative teams on the titles
would again craft stories that took Superman forward, not looking back. Even when
the multiverse returned and New Earth was formed, hints were given as to a new
origin, but it took nearly four years for that origin to be presented to the
There are plenty of things to argue about with Superman, but
arguing which origin applies to him from 2003 onwards is an argument we
shouldn’t have had to have. I’m very happy to finally not have this be an
issue, and whatever changes come to Superman’s origin in the new 52, my only
wish is that there is consistency.
Next on World of Superman: Come back Sunday for the continuing coverage of the post-Crisis Superman's life, and at some point in the middle of next week, we'll be taking a look at number two on both lists.
And don't forget to check out the latest episode of the 20 Minute Longbox, taking a look at Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #2!
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Adventures of Superman #427
Hello there. Whew, it’s dark in here. Where’s the light
switch? Ah, got it. Close your eyes, I’m turning the lights on… now.
Hello, it’s been a while!
I’m not going to insult you with long tales of woe
describing many reasons why I’ve not been active over here. There’s a very
simple reason for the lack of activity on this blog. For two months, I’ve not
felt like writing about Superman. I’ve been having a great time working on my
podcast, 20 Minute Longbox (itself suffering from a lack of time to put an
episode together), and for a while, I toyed with the idea of shutting the door
on this blog and letting the dust gather.
So, why did I change my mind? Put simply, I’ve been missing
Superman. With new blood and, indeed, a new Superman hitting the stands as part
of the New 52, I’ve been feeling strongly about the Man of Steel again. More
than ever, a project like this seems like something worth doing, celebrating
the comics that made many of us Superman fans at a time when, hopefully, many
people are finding similar things to celebrate in the new Superman. Oh, and I
miss arguing with myself over which order to do the comics in!
I’d like to think that this is a return to regular posting,
but if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that this isn’t
a promise that I can keep. The best way to keep up to date with happenings over
here is to subscribe, either through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs,
both of which are over on the sidebar. That way, if I have another absence
(hint: I work in retail and Christmas is a-coming), you’ll know when I pick up
this project again.
Enough procrastination. If you’ll join me, I’d like to take
you on a journey to Qurac.
Mind Games
Brought to you by Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway
Lettered by John Costanza
Colored by Tom Ziuko
Edited by Andy Helfer and Mike Carlin
Cover Art: Jerry Ordway
Cover Date: April 1987
Release Date: 15/01/1987
Superman sees a vision of his parents on Krypton,
instructing him to conquer and rule the Earth. Superman attempts rejects this,
causing psychic feedback to Prana, who carries on with the illusion. The two
battle further with their minds, before Prana retreats. A drained Superman
leaves the palace, confused by the vision of his parents and their oppressive
instructions. He returns to the hotel he’s using as Clark Kent and falls
asleep, allowing Prana to re-establish contact with him.
Superman awakes in costume, confronted by Bizarro, Metallo,
Synapse and Lex Luthor. The villains attack him, demanding to know his true
motives, whilst Luthor works to undermine Superman’s confidence. Superman
fights back, denying Lex’s words and dispelling the illusions again. Prana is
once again weakened and pained by the contact, but he has become determined to
mentally defeat Superman. As Clark takes a shower to recover, Prana once again
makes contact.
Superman finds himself in Japan, where a Godzilla-esque
monster is attacking a city. Refusing to be bowed, Superman quickly defeats the
monster, shrugging off Prana’s attack. Prana, weakened by the final assault,
dies in the sewers beneath Qurac. His wife, Zahara, steals his powers and
combines them with her own, launching one final assault. Superman is confronted
by Lana, Lois and Cat, all of whom accuse him of being fickle with his love and
lying to them about his origins. Superman is able to withstand this assault,
and drifts into a restless sleep. In the sewers, other members of the Circle
find Prana’s corpse and Zahara’s unconscious body.
This is a different and interesting issue of Adventures of
Superman. Initially continuing the story of the assault on Metropolis, the issues
turns into something else, taking some interesting turns and leading us in a
far more character-driven direction than the awesomely action-filled cover
would suggest.
Superman taking overt action against a foreign state is a
big moment. We saw in The Dark Knight Returns a potential future where Superman
is a weapon for the United States Government, covertly assaulting America’s
enemies, the fear of his intrusion being as great as the his presence. In his
run on Adventures of Superman, Greg Rucka would use the concept of what
Superman’s presence in a war-zone would do to the conflict as the driving force
behind his story. It’s great to see the sheer power of Superman unleashed
against an army, something we’ve not really seen before, and the callous nature
of his entrance into the palace, smashing down the doors with a casual flick of
his finger, hints at a darker side to his rage that is manipulated by Prana.
Thankfully, Qurac would remain in the comics through this run and beyond, and
the consequences of Superman’s actions here would be felt in future issues.
If, like me, you're wondering who the guy in the orange armour in the villains hallucination is, then you'll be pleased to hear that according to his name is Synapse, and his only other appearances were in three issues of Extreme Justice in 1995. And now you know!
This issue was reprinted in Superman: The Man Of Steel vol. 3 in 2004.
Coverage of this issue can be found in Episode 6 of From Crisis To Crisis
Next on World of
Superman: Superman goes a-time-travelling.
Andrew Helfer,
Jerry Ordway,
John Costanza,
Marv Wolfman,
Mike Carlin,
Tom Ziuko
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